School of Mechanical Engineering

National Technical University of Athens


Address: National Technical University of Athens,
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Zografou, Athens, Greece,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Section of
Manufacturing Technology
, Building Ε, 2nd Floor, Office E.208. 
Tel.  (+30) 210 772-4299.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Personal Homepage:


2006 PhD, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2000 Mechanical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Professional Experience

2025 - today Professor, National Technical University of Athens
2021 - 2025 Associate Professor, National Technical University of Athens
2016 - 2021 Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens
2014 - 2016 Lecturer, National Technical University of Athens
2008 - 2011 Teaching and Research Associate (Assistant Professor Grade), School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Athens, Greece
2007 - 2008 Teaching and Research Associate (Lecturer Grade), University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
2007 - 2008 Teaching and Research Associate (Lecturer Grade), Air Force Academy, Athens, Greece
2007 - 2014 Mechanical Engineering Instructor, Navy Petty Officers Academy, Hellenic Navy, Athens, Greece
2001 - 2007 Research Assistant, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Precision and ultra-precision manufacturing processes, micro-machining, Non-conventional processes in macro-, micro and nano-scale, Modeling.

Award from the Technical Chamber of Greece for the Graduation Thesis.
Member of the International Editorial Review Board of Scientific Journals International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechanical Engineering and International Journal of Materials Forming and Machining Processes and Reviewer in other Scientific Journals.
Thomaidion Awards for Scientific papers and Doctoral Thesis.

Member of:
Technical Chamber of Greece.
Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.

Current Duties

Teaches at NTUA
Undergraduate: Mechanical Engineering Drawing I and Workshop, Engineering Materials, Introduction to Mechanical Workshop Technology, Manufacturing Processes I, Manufacturing Processes ΙΙ, Introduction to Aircraft Design and its Subsystems, Non-Conventional Manufacturing Processes, Failure of Materials, Crash Analysis of Structures, Advanced Materials, Micro-Nanotechnology. 
Postgraduate: Manufacturing of Materials, Surface Treatments of Materials (IIPP Materials Science and Technology).