The School participates in the following I.P.S. programs:
- Bussiness Administration (Athens MBA)
- Applied Mathematical Sciences
- Applied Mechanics
- Automation Systems
- Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
- Computational Mechanics
- Energy Production & Management
- Environment and Development
- Marine & Sea Technology & Science
- Materials Science & Technology
- Microsystems and Nanodevices
- Physics and Technological Applications
Bussiness Administration (Athens MBA)
Coordinating Department: Business Administration
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Departments from Athens University of Economics and Business:
Accounting & Finance
Management Science & Technology
Applied Mathematical Sciences
Coordinating School: Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Head: G. Kokolakis
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-4189
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Coordinating School: Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Head: E. Thetokoglou.
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-4187
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Civil Engineering
Automation Systems
Coordinating School: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Head: E. Papadopoulos
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-2330
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
Coordinating Department: Medicine of University of Patras
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Departments from other Universities:
Medicine of University of Patras
Computational Mechanics
Coordinating School: Chemical Engineering
Head: A. Mpountouvis
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-1128
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Energy Production & Management
Coordinating Schools:
Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Head: E. Dialinas
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-3655
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Environment and Development
Coordinating School: Rural and Surveying Engineering
Head: A. Siolas
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-2697
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Rural and Surveying Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Marine & Sea Technology & Science
Coordinating School: Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Head: S. Mavrakos
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-1926, (+30) 210-772-4147
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Rural and Surveying Engineering
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Departments from other Universities:
Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Materials Science & Technology
Coordinating School: Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Head: K. Charitidis
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-3196
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Microsystems and Nanodevices
Coordinating School: Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Head: I. Raptis
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-4191
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Physics and Technological Applications
Coordinating School: Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Head: G. Koutsoumpas
Secretariat Phone: (+30) 210-772-3337
Web Page:
Schools from NTUA:
Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mechanical Engineering
Center of Scientific Research Participation:
NCSR "Demokritos"