School of Mechanical Engineering

National Technical University of Athens

Director: John Anagnostopoulos, Professor


Fluid properties and definitions (density, compressibility, viscocity). The fundamental laws of fluid mechanics: continuity, momentum, energy and moment of momentum equations for one or multiple phase flows expressed in inertial and rotating reference system. Ideal-fluid flow, boundary layer concepts, adiabatic flow, non steady flow, shock waves, flow in pipes, hydraulic transient and water hammer. Energy conversion in turbomachinery and theory of turbomachines, hydraulic and thermal. Airfoil theories, cascades, subsonic and supersonic flow. Flight theory, propulson systems. Environmental fluid mechanics. Bio-fluid mechanics, non-newtonian fluids. 


J. Anagnostopoulos, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
N. Aretakis,  PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
D. Bouris,  PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
Κ. Giannakoglou, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
Κ. Mathioudakis, PhD of Applied Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
S. Voutsinas, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering NTUA.

Associate Professors
V. Riziotis,  PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.

Assistant Professors
M. Manolesos,  PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras.
Ch. Manopoulos,  PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, University of Patras.

Professors Emeritus
G. Bergeles, PhD Imperial College, MSc DIC Imperial College, Diploma in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering NTUA.
K. Papailiou, Doctorat d'Etat Universite Claude Bernard, Doctorat en Sciences Appliquees Universite Liege, Diploma in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering NTUA.
S. Tsangaris, PhD Technical University Vienna, Diploma in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering NTUA.
A. Zervos, PhD Mechanical Engineer, P. et M. Curie University, France, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.

Retired Professors
D. Mathioulakis, PhD, MSc Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Diploma in Mechanical-Electrical Engineering NTUA.

Teaching & Research Associates
G. Karalis, I. Prospathopoulos, A. Raptis, C. Romesis, P. Chassapogiannis, S. Telakis (PCLab).

Administrative Staff
Margioli Eleftheria, Mavrakis Sotirios,Tampaki Patra, Tassi Ioanna, Chousea Katerina.