Director: Dimitris Mitrakos, Associate Professor
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Theory of nuclear fission reactors. Set-up and operation of nuclear power plants. Thermodynamic and thermohydraulic analysis of nuclear power reactors. Nuclear fusion. Materials for nuclear reactors. Interaction of radiations with matter, radioactivity detection methods, radiation shielding, radiation protection and dispertion of radioactive pollutants to the environment. Measurements of radioactive trace elements and detection of nuclear radiations. Technological applications of nuclear radiations. Measurements statistics, correlations, design of experiments and experiments simulation, experimental set-ups on-line to computers. The Section has able laboratory space and facilities for the training of the students and for research work on various of the above mentioned subjects.
- Laboratory of Νuclear Εngineering
- Laboratory of Engineering Measurements
Μ. Anagnostakis, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
Associate Professors
D. Mitrakos, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
N. Petropoulos, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
P. Rouni, PhD NTUA, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering NTUA.
Professors Emeritus
D. Leonidou, PhD London University, Diploma in Physics, University of Athens.
S. Simopoulos, PhD London University, Diploma of Imperial College (D.I.C.), Mechanical-Electrical Engineer NTUA.
Administrative Staff
Griva Natalia.